Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Ride the Horse in the Direction It's Going

‘Ride the horse in the direction its going,’ is an old saying that is another way of understanding both the Law I wrote about last time, and the idea of being a human being, not a human doing. 

Why ride the horse in the direction its going?  Because life is so much more worthwhile, meaningful and joyous when we do.  So, what direction is the horse going, so we can ride it that way?

Or, which way is the Law tending?  It’s neutral, but what is Its default?  That is, if we ourselves could be neutral, what would the Law bring us?  Would it bring compassion, peace and joy, awakening us to our spiritual reality or would it bring fear, hate and judgment, keeping us asleep in the ego’s nightmare?  

The Law brings whatever we most fervently believe in, but what if we got our bloated nothingness out of the way and just let ourselves be, resting, needing and wanting nothing, what would the Law bring us then?  What direction is the horse going, so we can ride it that way?

To me, and Emerson and most metaphysicians, the direction the horse is going is towards spirit, towards the still, small voice within, not the raucous shrieks of the ego, bringing compassion, peace and joy, and awakening us to our spiritual reality, not bringing fear, hate and judgment, keeping us asleep in the ego’s nightmare.  If I’m experiencing fear, hate and judgment, not compassion, peace and joy, I’m riding the horse in the wrong direction.

Re-orienting myself to ride the horse in the direction it’s going is a one step at a time process.  Each situation or decision is an opportunity to get my bloated nothingness out of the way, pause, be a human being, then sense the horse’s direction and adjust myself accordingly.  Not adjust others first, nor fix the world, first.  But go within, first, and connect with the compassion, peace and joy that’s always there – the direction the horse is going – then work in the world.  It’s an ongoing process, but one gets better at it as time goes by.

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