Saturday, December 31, 2011

Transformational Coaching with the Wizard

The Wizard – Transformational Coaching

Connecting with the Unseen Powers

Connecting with the unseen powers of love, compassion, gratitude, joy and intuition, can bring changes and transformations that seem almost magical.  The Wizard works with people, helping them connect with the unseen, little used powers already within them to change and transform their lives. 

Inside-out Work

Transformational Coaching with the Wizard is inside-out work – the ‘unseen’ powers being unseen because they reside within us; and, like the wind, only their effects can be seen.  The unseen inner powers are there in everyone, just waiting to be tapped. The Wizard helps people do the inside-out work of personal transformation.  Working with the Wizard and connecting with the unseen inner powers is so potent that the changes that follow seem almost magical.  But they’re not. 

Everything You Need Is Already Within You

Everything you need to live the life of your hopes and dreams is already within you.  Everything!  It’s just a matter of learning to change, to transform the way you think and feel. Everything that happens is an opportunity to grow and succeed once you learn to tap into your unseen, little used powers.


Everyone has heard the silly saying about using only 10% of our brains.  There’s a grain of truth in that.  And only using 10% is also true for our unseen powers.  Imagine what you could achieve, feel, enjoy and accomplish if you were able to connect with just a little more of the unseen, little used powers within you.  And they’re already there, you don’t have to add a thing!  All the love, compassion, gratitude, joy and intuition you’ll ever need is already there, within your heart and mind.  No ‘earning’, or proving or struggling required.  All you have to do is, as Emerson said, get your bloated nothingness out of the way.  And the Wizard, Dr. Steve Liebowitz, can help you do that.

Transformational Coaching Process

Transformational Coaching with the Wizard is a straight forward process.  It begins by taking an inventory of your unseen, little used, powers – how love, compassion, gratitude, joy and intuition show up in you.  Then, an inventory of your bloated nothingness - how the blocks that keep you from connecting with your unseen powers show up.  Next, a plan for neutralizing your bloated nothingness and eliminating the blocks is developed, and implemented.  And as your transformation unfolds, celebrations are held and rewards received.

Expertise in the Process

The Wizard will celebrate with you, guide and support you every inch of the way with scheduled weekly calls, brief chats and email contact as needed.  The Wizard, Dr. Steve Liebowitz, is able to work with men and woman, old and young, Hispanic, Black and White, lawyers, mechanics, computer geeks, health care aids, students and teachers. Because his training and expertise is the process of connecting with and utilizing the unseen powers, he need not be extremely knowledgeable about his clients’ specific professions and situations.

For Example

For example: What do you love, really love?  What keeps that love from flowing?  What’s one easy thing can you do remove one of the blocks to love’s flow?  What support will you need from the Wizard, others and your environment to release that block and keep it released?  How would you like to celebrate and reward your success?  The Wizard will celebrate with you, guide and support you every inch of the way.

No More Excuses

Love, nurture, take care of yourself and let your light shine!  No more excuses, BS, and reasons about why you can’t be who you really are, or have what you really love.

The first call is a free, no obligation, get acquainted chat to assess your readiness and see if Transformational Coaching with the Wizard is right for you.  You need to be ready – readiness is vital!

And Transformational Coaching with the Wizard is guaranteed! If after the first three calls you’re not experiencing a sense of progress, your fee will gladly be refunded.  Call: 305-484-0255, now and get started.  For more info on coaching, visit, Dr. Steve at: